
Below is a selection of the accolades for Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani:

“Your book is simply outstanding! Congratulations on what is by far the best orchestral timpani book ever written. The work and research you have put into it is clearly monumental. It has everything one could ask for and more. I find the practice tracks simply an amazing idea, and to have indicated the various tempos of recordings of each excerpt is something out of the ordinary. Also great are the explanations of how to go about playing the excerpts, and the historical content which is very unique for an excerpt book. I have already recommended this book many times and will keep on doing so.”
Andrei Malashenko,
Principal Timpani
Montreal Symphony

“Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani is a spectacular book! Wonderfully annotated and researched with many helpful suggestions both musical and technical. It should be in every timpanist’s library. I think it may become a classic..!”
Stanley Leonard,
Principal Timpani
Pittsburgh Symphony (retired)

“I have heard the statement ‘too much knowledge is dangerous’; however when it comes to preparing for an audition, the more knowledge you have the more prepared you are. Randy Max has written a book that gives you not only the music but information about the variations of tempi one can expect for the excerpt, historical facts about the music, BIOs of the composers and suggestions for practicing, tuning and sticking for both American and German style timpani playing. All this and a CD that accompanies the book so the excerpts can be heard and practiced.  Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani is a ‘must have’ book for the serious timpanist preparing for an audition. The 57 passages represent the most requested audition excerpts and are done in a well organized, informative and easy to read manner. Highly recommended.”
John H. Beck,
Professor Emeritus of Percussion
Eastman School of Music
Principal Timpani, Rochester Philharmonic (retired)

“Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani is a must for the student, teacher, and professional. It contains a complete inventory of excerpts and is a tremendous help with preparing for auditions. For many of the excerpts there are several options for executing the passage, allowing the player to choose what will be the most effective method under various conditions. I have also found this book very helpful for any professional to re-evaluate and solidify what can become stagnant under years of performances. Congratulations, Randy!”
Rick Holmes,
Principal Timpani
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

“This book is a goldmine of helpful information about the highlights of the timpani repertoire from one of Europe’s leading timpanists. Anyone learning the timpani repertoire or getting ready for an audition will find it an essential tool, both the detailed suggestions on how to perform each excerpt and the CD with recordings of all the excerpts, which can be used to get to know the music and also for ‘playalong’ practice.”
Ian Wright,
Principal Timpani
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic (retired)
Royal Northern College of Music

“I’ve used Mr. Max’s ingeniously written book to great advantage, both in teaching and to reexamine my own approach to the staples of our repertoire.  Randy’s thorough research and first class musicianship combine here to raise the artistic level of any timpanist.”
Brian Jones,
Principal Timpani
Dallas Symphony

“Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani is the best educational publication for timpani since the Goodman book.”
Tom Stubbs,
Assistant Principal Timpani and Percussion, St. Louis Symphony
Percussion Faculty, Aspen Music Festival
Percussion Faculty, St. Louis University

“Thank you, Randy, for creating THE timpani excerpt book for which we’ve all been waiting.”
Gordon Gottlieb,
NY studios, regular guest-NY Philharmonic
Faculty, The Juilliard School
Lifetime member-Impèrio Serrano Escola de Samba, Rio de Janeiro

“This is the best timpani repertoire book in the past 20 years by a mile!! I’m so glad you used the real (authentic) parts and made really great comments on everything; and the CD is the icing on the cake!”
Tom Freer,
Assistant Principal Timpani/Section Percussion
The Cleveland Orchestra

“Randy Max has provided timpanists with the most comprehensive orchestral excerpt book in print. Invaluable are the technical insights, historical performance practice, and an audio CD of orchestral performances plus practice tracks. This book goes far beyond the written part to focus on details that will enlighten and enhance the performance. Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani belongs in every timpanist’s library.”
James Campbell,
Director of Percussion Studies
University of Kentucky

“For some people auditions can be more mental than physical. Your book really helps overcome some of those anxiety problems and will help to bring about confidence in the player’s performance. Congratulations on a job well done.”
Gerald Carlyss,
Principal Timpani
The Philadelphia Orchestra (retired)
Professor of Timpani, Indiana University (retired)

“Randy Max’s Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani is now at the top of the list of ‘must have’ books for the serious timpani student. It is simply unsurpassed in its comprehensiveness, detail and clarity. Bravo Randy!”
Jim Atwood,
Principal Timpani
Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra
Cloyd Duff Timpani Masterclasses

“Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani by Randy Max on how to study and learn the repertoire is by far the best volume I’ve ever read. Everything from dealing with practicing and studying each part to preparing for auditions is very well covered in every aspect. The repertoire list is carefully picked and very well presented. The audio CD of orchestral performances of each excerpt and the practice tracks are presented in a very intelligent way. This volume is a must for everyone who wants to explore the art of orchestral timpani playing. Congratulations, Randy!”
Tom Vissgren,
Principal Timpanist,
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra

“Randy Max’s Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani examines the repertoire from every angle. This mass of information is delivered clearly and concisely, in an advisory rather than dictatorial manner. Furthermore, the introduction contains many invaluable ideas on practising excerpts, audition preparation, and ear training. An essential resource for any student or professional.”
Matt Perry,
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal College of Music
Trinity College of Music

“Your book is very interesting for everyone, even for older timpanists who already have orchestral playing experience. It is especially interesting, though, for younger players who do not yet have very much experience and are still taking auditions. I think that this book gives many answers and ideas about how to handle difficult bars of pieces. The CD helps very much, too, to be able to listen to how the excerpts should sound. I want to recommend this book to every timpanist, both students and professionals.”
Lassi Erkkilä,
Principal Timpani
Finnish Radio Symphony

“I’ve had a good look and listen to your book and CD and think this is a wonderful addition to the training of prospective timpanists. It’s a new approach, indicating stickings and tuning plans of respected colleagues, giving students a feeling for the range of possibilities for their own musical development and style.”
David Punto,
Professor and Chair of the Timpani and Percussion Department
Univerität der Künste Berlin

“Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani is what I have been looking for in an excerpt book for a long time. The care that Mr. Max has taken in assembling the excerpts, plus recordings and tempo markings, is beyond admirable. I highly and heartily recommend this book to the student and the professional timpanist. They will find out, as I did, just how well this book works.”
Andrew P. Simco – Formerly Timpanist, The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
Timpanist, the Des Moines Metro Opera – Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra

“For anyone interested in learning the repertoire – be it a young student, a seasoned graduate preparing for an audition or a grizzled professional looking for new inspiration, this book suddenly seems indispensible.  It is certainly the most thorough book geared toward actually playing the music I’ve come across:  very specific, practical, and yes, fun to work from.  Take a deep breath and enjoy!”
Erik Charlston,
Co-Chair, Percussion Department, Manhattan School of Music

Copyright © 2025 Randy Max